It is always easier to follow the pack. To take the well-charted career track; to ‘go along to get along;’ to conform to the expectations of others—from our parents, and whatever culture we were raised in, to whatever “society” and popular media say we should be doing to be successful, acceptable, and well-liked.
Being “ourselves”—our most authentic, passionate, inspired, best, and true selves—is far more difficult. It takes courage. It takes work. It takes a willingness to be different and to stand up for what we want or believe. It takes honesty and a lot of self-reflection. It takes a lifetime of exploration—of ourselves and the world—and it takes action. We have to find ways to chart our own course: pursue our passions, work on what matters to us most, and find ways to get our voices heard in the world, if we want to live vibrant, authentic lives that bring us fulfillment, meaning and joy.
This website is for:
- Anyone looking to find, or reconnect with, a more authentic self and voice, and get that voice heard in the world.
- Women looking for support as they try to navigate the tricky challenge of being successful and effective in male-dominated work environments without losing themselves in the process.
- Anyone looking for a more meaningful path or career track––or even a way to change the world!
- Anyone feeling a bit alone as they try to pursue a passion or dream.
- Anyone looking for support for undertaking any kind of life adventure––or looking for the courage and strength to explore themselves and the world.
- Anyone who wants to become a more authentic leader, or improve their decision-making skills.
- Anyone looking for support in pursuing a non-traditional career, or any life path that differs from what most of their peers are pursuing.
- Entrepreneurs, innovators, and anyone thinking of making the leap to self-employment.
- Creative artists, thinkers, and anyone interested in what makes life more fulfilling, as opposed to what makes life easy or safe.
In short, this website is for people who want to undertake the lifelong adventure of being themselves; of charting their own path with their own voice in the world—and are seeking perspectives, information, kindred spirits, resources or advice that can help them on that journey.