News flash: I have a new book out! It’s called Unforgettable, and it chronicles 10 of my most memorable flying adventures.
Adventure, as I’m fond of saying, is rarely comfortable. But it is usually educational and memorable. Not that I really want to be navigating a closing line of thunderstorms in Northern Florida, bailing out of a blimp caught in a dust devil, or taking on a hostage rescue in Southern Sudan again. But even those challenging experiences had their moments. What moments? Ah. You have to read the book to find out.
The thing about adventure, you see, is that you’re never really sure how it’s going to turn out, even if you do your best to plan it ahead of time. Sometimes, that means you get in over your head and you find yourself having to sleep in a whorehouse or caught in a foreign country with someone in camo fatigues pointing a gun at you. But sometimes it means finding yourself stumbling on beauty so profound that it stops all other thought, sensation or words in suspended, breathless wonder. And at other times, it means finding that same miraculous wonder in the midst of smaller, everyday moments and adventures.
Looking back, we all have particular moments that stand out for one reason or another. Perhaps it was the intensity of the adventure itself. Or the quality of the company we were with. Or a miraculous alignment of the stars to form a moment so magical, perfect, and precious that even as we live it we know, somewhere deep in our hearts, that this, we will remember. Those are the moments we pack away with care to bring out again on tough, dark, winter nights to boost our spirits until dawn breaks and spring returns. Moments that remind us that for all its challenges, life also offers an amazing array of laughter, adventure, learning and joy.
Unforgettable is available through, and they tell me they can ship it anytime up until December 23rd and still get it to people before Christmas! And if you do read it, and have any feedback, let me know in a comments below.
Lane Wallace is the Editor and Founder of No Map. No Guide. No Limits.
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